For one to rise Another must fall!


              For One to Rise Another Must Fall

-Tariqul Islam Siam

For one to rise another must fall

For one to run another must crawl

For one to win another must lose

For one to be distinguished another must fuse

For one to hope another must despair

For one to be embellished another must be bare

What will you answer to the mountain of corpses you are standing on?

For ones dream to be realized

Others aspirations must be defiled

So don’t indulge in arrogance

For you have become the one someone aspired

While you vehemently ceased theirs

While your road gets paved

Others get mired

Don’t be in denial

Don’t be in delusion

Those faces pale and dismal

Your eyes have consumed their vision

Revive those moribund

Sucked the life out of them!

Can you refund!?

Their desire for fame

So don’t celebrate too much

A heinous act is such

Why you ask?

Arrogance it is in which you bask

Veil your incandescence

Let them rest in peace

Humility floods!

On blood, rain drops!

Beneath your feet lies hundreds of corpse!
